Dr. Alexander Grayver

personal photo of Dr. Alexander Grayver

Extraterrestrial models

By:Dr. Alexander Grayver
cover image of Extraterrestrial models

Electromagnetic sounding of Enceldaus

Analysis of the Cassini-Huygens (NASA/ESA) magnetic field observations made around Saturn's icy moon Enceldaus unlocked new insights into the properties of the moon's ocean and core.

Sketch of electromagnetic induction processes at Enceladus
Sketch of electromagnetic induction processes at Enceladus

The global conductivity structure of the lunar upper and midmantle

We used data from KAGUYA Selene (JAXA) and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (NASA) spacecrafts to to sound the lunar interior using electromagnetic induction methods.

Obtained conductivity profiles of the Moon
Obtained conductivity profiles of the Moon

Electromagnetic heating of rocky planets by Coronal Mass Ejections and stellar magnetic fields

The effect of an ICME impact on a planet.
The effect of an ICME impact on a planet.